Relocation Policy Review

Like your annual check up, a regular Relocation Policy Review with a relocation professional is a vital part of any organization’s relocation program. If your company is interested in recruiting and retaining top talent, a competitive Relocation Policy can be the difference between securing a new team superstar or settling for a lesser choice. If recruiting for a position that requires relocation, be it domestic or international, top talent will be looking for a robust relocation benefit that ensures a smooth transition for the relocating employee and their family. Such an important aspect of employee relocation should not be left to chance, which is why a thorough review of your relocation program policy is a must at least once a year.

Here’s what mobility and relocation decision makers can expect from a relocation policy review:

  • Information on relocation best practices
  • Ranking of specific benefits, from must haves to nice to haves
  • What benefits are most important for international versus domestic relocations.

If you are interested in a relocation policy review, please go to the northAmerican website and fill out the form. Bobbi Maniglia, VP of Corporate Relocation & Mobility services with over 18 years of experience will follow up with you directly to schedule your review.

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